Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ace Frehley Rocks With Camp Freddy

Ace Frehley Rocks With Camp Freddy
Photo Credit: Ace Frehley Facebook Page

Ace Frehley joined Camp Freddy in Los Angeles Saturday, August 1st at the House Of Blues for their annual ESPN/X-Games extravaganza. Among the other celebrity rockers in attendance were Ozzy Osbourne, Duff McKagan, and Justin Hawkins.

"CAMP FREDDY is not a band, but it is also way more than a jam session... CAMP FREDDY is an 'Occasional Happening', a freak of Hollywood nature. What happens when we get together and play is anyone's guess. Surprise guests, lounge singers turned heavy rock superstars, some of the world's greatest guitarists playing three chord punk tunes. I mean, who knows what will happen at the next show? It's all about the music, the motivation and, above all, the fun!! What we all got into the business for originally. We play some of the greatest rock and roll songs ever written, have a real laugh doing it, and invite other artists that we know and respect to play them with us. It's the real spirit of Rock and Roll." --Billy Morrison, Guitarist-Camp Freddy

Visit Camp Freddy's website: