Friday, September 11, 2009

Ace Frehley On Rockline

Ace Frehley On Rockline

Ace announced on his website that he will be on the Rockline Radio Show on September 16th:

Rockline Radio Show
Wednesday September 16th
Live 8:30pm to 10pm PST
1-800-344 ROCK (7625)

Here's what ROCKLINE writes about Ace's upcoming appearance on their show:

It seems like only yesterday that Ace Frehley released his last solo album, “Trouble Walkin’”. OK, maybe in Jupiter days. It’s actually about 7,300 earth years, almost twenty years ago exactly since Ace graced us with some new tunes. Was it worth the wait? Depends on what standards are employed obviously, but “Anomaly” is a really cool listen with great guitar work including a sprinkling of instrumentals and an obligatory cover, which he likes to include in his releases. This time it’s a spirited interpretation of the Sweet classic “Fox On The Run”. Sweet, indeed. Meatloaf’s daughter, Pearl Aday adds her considerable talents to the festivities. Frehley offers several songs rhyming with his first name. You’ve got your Animal Planet Ace with “Space Bear”, the pick him out of a crowd Ace with “Too Many Faces” and the celestial Ace with the album’s first single, “Outer Space”. Also included on the CD is the third piece of a trilogy started long ago beginning with “Fractured Mirror”, followed by “Fractured Too” and now completed with “Fractured Quantum”, the epic final track on “Anomoly”.

Good news for long time Frehley followers, most will not only cite his album “Ace Frehley” as their favorite of the four albums released simultaneously by each member of Kiss back in 1978, but as their favorite of his solo albums and of those with Frehley’s Comet as well. It’s a welcome development because before recording “Anomaly” he listened to that eponymous album as inspiration. You can hear it too, certainly nothing sounds the same, but the driving spirit is absolutely unmistakable. The vibe, the attitude and the musicianship are all on regal display. No tour plans have been revealed at this point, but you can follow the information stream at While Frehley has no plans to serve leftovers to any of us, there were several songs that didn’t properly fit the mood of “Anomaly” and will serve as the springboard for a follow up album, but he promises it won’t be another seventy-three hundred day wait this time around. Frehley has plenty to celebrate these days, a new album, three years away from the life-force draining effect of alcohol and drugs and his first foray into the world of Pro-Tools, all landmark events for the storied guitarist. How many players today wanted to be like Ace many years ago? Rhetorical for sure, but perhaps it’s the beginning of another wave of players who want to emulate the stylish guitarslinger.

Bring it on. And we will as we welcome Ace Frehley to Rockline for his first ever visit. How can that be? Dunno, but we promise to make up for lost time as Ace Frehley joins us for our next ROCKLINE!