KISS will grace the cover of Classic Rock magazine this October. Check news stands for the issue.
As we posted yesterday, KISS is also on the cover of Billboard Magazine.
The October 3, 2009 issue of Billboard Stars Special Feature: KISS - The touring and merchandising powerhouse is back with "Sonic Boom."
Cover story: THE HOTTEST BRAND IN THE LAND - Kiss has rocked merch for 35 years - and now the band is continuing its dynasty with Wal-Mart.

As we posted yesterday, KISS is also on the cover of Billboard Magazine.
The October 3, 2009 issue of Billboard Stars Special Feature: KISS - The touring and merchandising powerhouse is back with "Sonic Boom."
Cover story: THE HOTTEST BRAND IN THE LAND - Kiss has rocked merch for 35 years - and now the band is continuing its dynasty with Wal-Mart.