Wednesday, December 30, 2009

KISS Was Spectacle Of The Year

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"El Comercio" Newspaper featured KISS' 2009 Lima show in a year end wrap up of major events in Peru.

Pictured is the cover of the newspaper and below is the translated text of the story:


PARTY. KISS was the Spectacle of the Year

By Rafael Valdizan

The sky lit up with bursts of fireworks, sealing a night of partying. It was April 14th, but it smelled like a New Year's Eve celebration.

In a way, the spectacular presentation of KISS symbolized the year - a climax, a brooch of gold. It was an unprecendented year for Peru. 2009 was a hinge, a breaking point, a before and after: for the first time, Lima climbed to the heights of being an additional capital of music in South America. No more did we look with envy to Buenos Aires, Santiago or the various cities in Brazil where A-1 bands often land.

Kiss at the Estadio Nacional still nests in the collective memory of the lucky ones who witnessed the unique visual display of pyrotechnics accompanying the ever-rocking quartet's rock-and-roll, a soundtrack that has delighted generations of listeners.

Simple songs of verse-chorus have penetrated the masses -- the brains of millions of fans around the world. And these songs have remained fixtures for parties and nights of revelry.

KISS symbolizes the great celebration of the year.